Happy Anniversary Daytime Brass!
One year ago today, The Dronfield Band Organisation launched its new venture ‘Dronfield Daytime Brass’ and what a fantastic year it has been. Not a rehearsal has gone by without having a full balance around the stand and the ensemble has continued to grow ever since.
As well as making some great sounds, new friendships have been made and old ones renewed. Instruments have been mended, old music has seen the light of day in contrast with the new,
and a variety of conductors have expertly guided the group
through some challenging repertoire.
After such a good year, what else was there to do but
celebrate in the pub?!
We are truly grateful to everyone who has contributed to
making Daytime Brass a huge success, and are looking
forward to seeing what the next twelve months holds.
If you're a brass player or percussionist, and would
like to get involved with Daytime Brass, then you can
read more here